Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pictures from WWII and Helmuth Hubener

Cover for the book:  The Boy Who Dared

Helmuth Hubener

Adolph Hitler, Chancellor of German and Head of the Nazi Army

German (Nazi) Soldiers

Hamburg Germany during WWII:  home to Helmuth Hubener

Hitler greeting Nazi Youth

Nazi Youth

Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Propaganda advertising a movie that compared Jews to rats

Jewish prisoners in a concentration camp

More Nazi Propaganda:  the poster reads Long Live Germany

Plotzensee Prison

Memorial to Helumth Hubener and others at the Plotzensee Prison

In 1942, Plotzensee Prison puts up a steel bar to support hanging prisoners

Radio used by Helmuth Hubener to listen to BBC Radio

Swastika - symbol of Hitler's Nazi Germany

Death Prolomation for Helmuth Hubener

1 comment:

  1. Hello I'm Connor, Wow pictures are worth a thousand worlds! WWII was a tough time for the world. I learned about it in AP US History this year
